All posts by VictoriaK

My Passion



Ok, I love dance, I have been dancing since I was 2 years old. I like to dance because I can creatively express myself. Another reason is because I like to dance when I am bored. I love to dance because it is fun and I meet new people and they help me with the things I need help with. Lastly if I feel like dancing and I am out somewhere I like to dance in public.

Fun fact, I have been dancing since I was 2 years old. Now I’m going to tell you how I train for dance recitals, what my favorite types of dance are and what types of dance I have done. The way I train isĀ  go to a studio and I have friends and my teacher helps me if I need help or I don’t understand the new skill we learned. I have been doing ballet for 9 1/2 years, jazz for 8 years and tap for 7 or 8 years. My favorite types of dance are point, ballet and jazz. I didn’t do point but I think it is really pretty. I like ballet because I like the skill you can learn. Lastly I like jazz because it is not too fast or not too slow, also I like the skills you learn and what music you can dance to in in jazz, ballet and pointCreative Commons License Larry Neuberger via CompfightFlour Dance
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